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Jennifer Luke

Jenn is the Pastor's kid.(Beware of the PK's) She is 18 years old and graduated high school this year.

Leslie Harman

Leslie is the oldest sibling in her family. She is 20 years old. She is currently in college and helping run her family's business.

Heather Harman

"Belle" (as we call her) is 16 and a sophmore in school this year. She is our miracle girl. She was healed from cancer in March. Praise God!

Lagan Smith

"Goon" (another nick name) is in her third semester of college this summer. She is 19 years old.

Christine Sullivan

Christine, our webmaster, is 19 years old and in her second year of college.

Allisha Treadwell

Allisha, twin #1, is 15 years old and is a sophmore in school.

Felisha Treadwell

Felisha, twin # 2, is also 15 and a sophmore in school. 

Lee Smith

"Peaches" is the oldest in his family and is 20 years old.

Samuel Harman

Samuel, another one of those Harmans(we just can't get rid of them), will be 18 in December and is in his senior year in school. 

Mike Denney

Mike is 20 years old and in his second year of college at University of West Georgia.

Joanie Gilmer

Joanie is 19 and is in her senior year of school. (Picture soon)

Rebecca Hall

Rebecca is 16 years old and is a sophmore this year. (Picture available soon)

Zach, Chris, Ethan, and Donnie Lucas

Zach(17), Chris(16), Ethan(15), and Donnie(13) are all brothers. (Picture available soon)